Assignment 8: Papercraft Objects: Final revision



This week's assignment was to finalize the prototype from the last assignment. From what you may see, I decided to go with a different design from my blog a few weeks ago. I found this design more intricate, safe, and fun to execute. I am way more pleased this week. Hope you enjoy it. 

This is my finalized printout of the design for the laser cutter.

(Front view)

This is a render of the design in the colours I chose to work with.

(Back view)

(Front view)

These are renderings of a more realistic look.

Papercraft Process

These are the laser cutouts. Seeing my design be cut out with a laser was incredibly intriguing. I might become obsessed with lasers! 😅😂

Here I began constructing the object. 

Final design

I hope that was enjoyable for you!


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